Active Session: Spring 2025


Summer Sneak Peek!  

 Summer registration opens on Monday, April 14th.

 Register by Monday, May 31st.  

  There is a 10% Discount on all Classes, Camps and Intensives if you  register BEFORE June 1   

Summer Classes  

We will be offering 6 weeks of summer classes divided into two 3 week sessions.  

 June 9 - June 28

July 7 - July 26

No Classes June 30 - July 5   

If your dancer loves attending regularly weekly scheduled dance classes, registration in individual classes is a great option for the summer.

Early Bird Pricing:  

$55 per 3 week session for a 45 minute class.

$58 per 3 week session for a 60 minute class.  

$61 per 3 week session for 1 hour + class.  

 All Class, Camp and Intensive rates will increase after May 31.

Please give the studio a call wth any questions at (847) 342-1060.

How To Register

Begin by choosing the Classes link in the menu above and selecting the divisions you want to view. All of the classes in the divisions you select will populate in the class selection menus. Select a class to view additional information about it and see a list of all available class sections.

Login to your existing account when you're ready to register or, if you're a new student, select the Create Account button on the Login screen.